Customer service by phone is open on weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00 Helsinki time and reception from 09:00 to 17:00.

Where does Voima store gold?

Where does Voima store gold?
The majority is stored in Voima's vault in Finland and the rest is at Voima's gold accounts opened at its Swiss and British trading partners.

At least 70% of the Customers' gold is stored in Voima's vault, available for Customer withdrawals. Rest of the gold is held at Voima's gold accounts opened at its Swiss and British trading partners in order to ensure deep liquidity for the Customers. The storage ratio fluctuates based on Customer orders, and in case of high demand, the vault reserves can go below 70% temporarily. If this should be the case, Voima will increase the reserves by withdrawing gold bars from the trading partners and shipping them to Finland.
