Customer service by phone is open on weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00 Helsinki time and reception from 09:00 to 17:00.

How to open a Voima Account

Account opening

  1. Open the Voima app at or by downloading the mobile application “Voima Gold”. Select “Register as a new Customer”.
  2. Insert your email address and the password of your choice. In order to continue, you must also accept Voima's privacy policy and the terms of service. Select “Sign up”.
  3. A verification message will be sent to your email address. Log into your email account, open the message sent by Voima and select “Verify”.
  4. Log into your Voima Account and select “Continue”.
  5. Identify either with a Finnish bank ID or identity documents.
  6. Identifying with a Finnish bank ID

    1. Select “Bank ID”, select your Finnish online bank and proceed to the identification.

    Identifying with identity documents

    1. Select “Identity documents”. Take a picture of either your passport, your driving licence or your national ID. Upload the picture and select “Continue”.
    2. Take a picture of your face using the instructions shown on the display and upload the picture. Select “Continue”..
  7. Press on the info bar at the top of the account display and you will be directed to complete your account opening. Fill in your personal data. Lastly, insert a possible referral code or if you have not got one, select “Skip”.


In a moment, you will receive an email informing you that your account is ready to go. The email also contains instructions on how you can start acquiring gold.
